
to night

Aku adalah binatang jalang yang menghembuskan angin kedinginan. apa pun bisa kita lakukan, biarkan Hayal mu melambung tinggi menikmati sensasi lambda sehingga hayalmu menembus batas, bangun ketika kau mulai lelah akan semua, bakarlah dinding-dinding yang membuatmu tidak mempunyai waktu untuk membuka sensasi Lamda. masih ingatkah kita pernah bercerita tentang puncuk-puncuk lambda di ketinggian 200Hez aku telah menemukan seluk beluk lambda. Mari bersama menembus batas normal, yang akan membuka tabir mimpi menjadi kenyataan. aku lambda yang membagunkan dengan Argumentum ad populum, wujud nyata, ilusi, melayang maya membuka tabir biru menjadi sir Lamda

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Modified Harley-Davidson World's Best

Foto: MCN
LONDON-Motor Harley-Davidson is often not perform standard. Biker motorcycle owners from the United States (U.S.) is often remodel tungangannya appearance.

But recent modifications have been announced the winner of the best Harley-Davidson version of the Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building.

Interestingly the winner does not come from Uncle Sam's country, but born of British builder, Harley Shaw.

He revolutionized the Harley-Davidson Softail Crossbones model 2010 with some lovely touches that allows one to look at him for long.

"As an example of the digital speedometer is used, the tool is made with small dimensions of glass and brass material," wrote MCN, on Thursday (09/02/2010). Shaw also uses the same material for the foot-Pegs and handlebar.

To be more prominent impression retro, old school Shaw uses bar alert 1940. He is also thought to place the lights front and vintage-style number plates.

To screen the entire body, Shaw chose a light blue color that is left plain with no accent airbrus a menor. This style actually makes tungangannya appear more retro.

These mounts are eligible Shaw Harley-Davidson predikan best in the World.

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terima kasih telah berkunjung semoga bermanfaat