
to night

Aku adalah binatang jalang yang menghembuskan angin kedinginan. apa pun bisa kita lakukan, biarkan Hayal mu melambung tinggi menikmati sensasi lambda sehingga hayalmu menembus batas, bangun ketika kau mulai lelah akan semua, bakarlah dinding-dinding yang membuatmu tidak mempunyai waktu untuk membuka sensasi Lamda. masih ingatkah kita pernah bercerita tentang puncuk-puncuk lambda di ketinggian 200Hez aku telah menemukan seluk beluk lambda. Mari bersama menembus batas normal, yang akan membuka tabir mimpi menjadi kenyataan. aku lambda yang membagunkan dengan Argumentum ad populum, wujud nyata, ilusi, melayang maya membuka tabir biru menjadi sir Lamda

Monday, January 17, 2011

Barbaric, Father Son raped Up Pregnant Bladder

JAKARTA - Flowers (pseudonym), a student at Junior High School Ciracas, East Jakarta, 1.5 months pregnant after being raped his biological father himself, Praise (40).

Citizen Actors Pule Road 2, RT05/10, Cijantung, East Jakarta, is known to perform this depraved action since Flower was still sitting in 4th grade.

According to Chairman RW10 Herwandi, this action is known after the flowers growing belly. On Sunday, January 9 last, this only child claims to have impregnated by her own father.

"This behavior has been long, but the victim was threatened with death by a perpetrator who his own father," said Herwandi, Tuesday (10/01/2011).

Perpetrators are known to work in a printing press, in the region Ciracas a factory worker while his wife convection.

Head of Sub-Section East Jakarta Police spokesman Didi Kompol Heryadi explained, he had not yet received a report of the case. "Both the Police and local police have my check, but the report was not accepted," he said.

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terima kasih telah berkunjung semoga bermanfaat