
to night

Aku adalah binatang jalang yang menghembuskan angin kedinginan. apa pun bisa kita lakukan, biarkan Hayal mu melambung tinggi menikmati sensasi lambda sehingga hayalmu menembus batas, bangun ketika kau mulai lelah akan semua, bakarlah dinding-dinding yang membuatmu tidak mempunyai waktu untuk membuka sensasi Lamda. masih ingatkah kita pernah bercerita tentang puncuk-puncuk lambda di ketinggian 200Hez aku telah menemukan seluk beluk lambda. Mari bersama menembus batas normal, yang akan membuka tabir mimpi menjadi kenyataan. aku lambda yang membagunkan dengan Argumentum ad populum, wujud nyata, ilusi, melayang maya membuka tabir biru menjadi sir Lamda

Friday, January 27, 2012

Lady Gaga to start fashion line

After the recent reveal of Kanye West creating his own fashion line  it has now been rumoured that the outlandish popstar Lady Gaga is set to design her own collection too. After Gaga’s fairly recent outfits of meat hats and 11 inch platforms, anyone would think that Gaga had gone, well…Gaga. But you can all let out a sigh of relief, as the entire collection is supposed to be “relatively normal and wearable” as claimed by a reliable source.
It is said that Lady Gaga has come up with the idea of remodelling the styles of classic fashion icons from the past, including the likes of Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly, which almost explains the singer’s late outfit choices that have consistented of fairly sober and fairly ‘normal’ outfits by Versace.
This won’t just be a random celebrity brand, either. It appears as though Gaga been working alongside her little sister, Natali Germanotta who is currently 19 years old and studying at the prestigious New York Parsons School of Design. According to the source, the duo have been “coming up with a slew of design options”, and we at Fashionolia can’t wait to see what they have up their sleeves, or at least up their latex-coated-studded-leather-acetate cuffs..

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terima kasih telah berkunjung semoga bermanfaat