
to night

Aku adalah binatang jalang yang menghembuskan angin kedinginan. apa pun bisa kita lakukan, biarkan Hayal mu melambung tinggi menikmati sensasi lambda sehingga hayalmu menembus batas, bangun ketika kau mulai lelah akan semua, bakarlah dinding-dinding yang membuatmu tidak mempunyai waktu untuk membuka sensasi Lamda. masih ingatkah kita pernah bercerita tentang puncuk-puncuk lambda di ketinggian 200Hez aku telah menemukan seluk beluk lambda. Mari bersama menembus batas normal, yang akan membuka tabir mimpi menjadi kenyataan. aku lambda yang membagunkan dengan Argumentum ad populum, wujud nyata, ilusi, melayang maya membuka tabir biru menjadi sir Lamda

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Kirana Larasati

Biodata Kirana Larasati

  • Name : Kirana Larasati
  • Place / date of birth : Jakarta, 29 Agustus 1987
  • Zodiak : Virgo
  • Father : M Hanafiah
  • Mother : Tia
  • Relationship : Awi Suryadi (film director)
  • Religion : Islam
  • Occupation : Actress, Ad Model
  • Education : SMP N 1 Magelang, Prasetya Mulya
  • Cellphone : Nokia Flexi & BlackBerry Curve 8320
  • Hobby : Travelling, Hang Out, Shopping, Talk with my friends, Sleep
  • Favorite Music : Blink 182, green day, My Chemical Romance, Samsons, Nidji, Ungu
Commercial Talent For :
Vitacimin (2002), Lovy Mint (2003), Biore (2003), Fres & Natural Soap (2003-2004), Fres & Natural Colonge (2004), Rexona (2005), Fuji Film (2006), Gery Cokluut (2006), Garuda Ting-Ting (2006), Flexi (2008)
foto mesra Kirana Larasati - Fauzi Baadila
beautiful pictures Kirana Larasati
Filmografi :
  • D'Girlz Begins (2006), with Didi Petet, Catherine Wilson
  • Gotcha (2006), with Arie Untung, Fikri Ramadhan
  • Perempuan Punya Cerita (2008), with Fauzi Baadila, Susan Bachtiar, Winky Wiryawan, Rieke Dyah Pitaloka (directed by Upi Avianto, Nia Dinata)
  • Claudia/Jasmine (2008), with Kinaryosih, Andhika Pratama, Nino Fernandez, Mieke Amalia (directed by Awi Suryadi)
foto gadis cantik berkacamata Kirana Larasati

Kirana Larasati Biography :

Kirana Larasati was born in Jakarta, 29 Agustus 1987 who popular with Azizah sinetron from SCTV. In this story, Kirana portray women named Azizah who unadorned and live in the scavengers community. Kirana Larasati is a young beautiful star on Indonesian endeavors and movies. Other sinetron which popularize her name like as, Pangeran Penggoda, Aku Bukan Untukmu, Benci Bilang Cinta and the last Cucu Menantu.

Her career in the entertainment world came from inadvertence, when Kirana Larasati won the prize in the framework of the campaign "Eiffel … I'm in Love" which held by Polaris FM radio station. The prize dinner with Samuel Rizal and Sandy Aulia, and at there she met Dewi Yulia Razif, a casting director of PT Soraya Intercine film that promises a charm participate patron. Not only patron movies, Kirana Larasati who have kulit putih mulus also penetrated the big screen movies with starring some movies like as D'Girlz Begins, Gotcha, Perempuan Punya Cerita, and Claudia/Jasmina.
hampir foto cewek abg bugil, but still wearing bikini at Bali beach
Star movies Kirana Larasati is the shining light, then no wonder if he is now more often on the infotainment reporters. But with the most different artists often avoid mosquito's pursuit of the press is, rather, Kirana is proud to be close to them. Kirana Larasati si hot girls gadis cantik manis from Magelang also known have close relationship with Awi Suryadi a director aged 10 years older. I hope that they are happy until to marriage, although my heart was broken... Kirana, I luv you so much.. LOL.
Kirana Larasati photo gallery

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