
to night

Aku adalah binatang jalang yang menghembuskan angin kedinginan. apa pun bisa kita lakukan, biarkan Hayal mu melambung tinggi menikmati sensasi lambda sehingga hayalmu menembus batas, bangun ketika kau mulai lelah akan semua, bakarlah dinding-dinding yang membuatmu tidak mempunyai waktu untuk membuka sensasi Lamda. masih ingatkah kita pernah bercerita tentang puncuk-puncuk lambda di ketinggian 200Hez aku telah menemukan seluk beluk lambda. Mari bersama menembus batas normal, yang akan membuka tabir mimpi menjadi kenyataan. aku lambda yang membagunkan dengan Argumentum ad populum, wujud nyata, ilusi, melayang maya membuka tabir biru menjadi sir Lamda

Friday, March 11, 2011

Romanticism of celeb at Java Jazz Festival 2008

Several couples selebritas appearance struggled with the spectator's congestion even biggest jazz the homeland, Java Jazz Festival in Jakarta Convention Center Senayan.
It was Bebi Romeo-Meisya and Mona Ratuliu-Indra, the closeness one friends as well as warm him domestic relations, was pointed out by them although tired could not be covered from their face permanently could smile.

And the uniqueness, Verlita was willing to sit with the boyfriend among the long row of the spectator in order to see the appearance of Bobby Caldwell that was special performance that night.

In other the side, JJF this time for Eno Netral as becoming the site to introduce his new sweetheart, Marissa, after breaking up with the older brother Julie Estelle, Vj Cathy although apparently Eno was still being very embarrassed when the reporter's camera took his picture when going together with the artist of GENGSI GEDE-GEDEAN.

Was not left behind, the artist Malaysian Ashraf Sinclair also came to Indonesia in order to be able to accompany the heart sweetheart, Bunga Citra Lestari saw this great performance.

"I had the work in Jakarta so at the same time then watched JJF this with the Flower, said Ashraf."

The couple of the artist of the country's difference who later could be made an issue of has been engaged this was seen increasingly sticky and so intimate by continuing to hold hands from the start of them came until them to move left the area of this jazz concert towards access penetrated to Sultan's Hotel.
Whether just wanted to eat dinner or spend time together ok?

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terima kasih telah berkunjung semoga bermanfaat