to night
Aku adalah binatang jalang yang menghembuskan angin kedinginan. apa pun bisa kita lakukan, biarkan Hayal mu melambung tinggi menikmati sensasi lambda sehingga hayalmu menembus batas, bangun ketika kau mulai lelah akan semua, bakarlah dinding-dinding yang membuatmu tidak mempunyai waktu untuk membuka sensasi Lamda. masih ingatkah kita pernah bercerita tentang puncuk-puncuk lambda di ketinggian 200Hez aku telah menemukan seluk beluk lambda. Mari bersama menembus batas normal, yang akan membuka tabir mimpi menjadi kenyataan. aku lambda yang membagunkan dengan Argumentum ad populum, wujud nyata, ilusi, melayang maya membuka tabir biru menjadi sir Lamda
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Dokter Gigi Seksi Alihkan Perhatian Pasien
MUNICH - Seorang dokter gigi di Jerman miliki cara unik untuk menarik pasien laki-laki. Ia membeli pakaian khas festival Oktoberfest yang dikenal seksi dan memiliki belahan dada yang rendah. Pakaian ini dikenakannya dan seluruh stafnya saat bekerja.
Al Jazeera ditutup Siaran Al Jazeera Mesir Dihentikan
Tank Mesir diserbu pengunjuk rasa (Foto: CNN)
- Siaran televisi Al Jazeera Mesir dilaporkan telah dihentikan. Hal ini
dilakukan setelah satelit Nilesat yang mengakomodir siaran Al Jazeera
Mesir telah diputus.
Sejak hari ini, efektif siaran dari Al Jazeera yang berada
di Kairo tidak akan ada lagi. Beberapa negara Arab dipastikan tidak bisa
menikmati siaran televisi yang dianggap sebagai saingan CNN dalam
menyuguhkan berita Timur Tengah tersebut.
Dalam pernyataan Al Jazeera mengaku tidak bisa memberikan
siaran, dan tidak dapat lagi menggunakan layanan satelit dari Nilesat
karena sudah diputus.
Sementara Kementerian Informasi Mesir mengumumkan saat ini
telah menyelidiki ijin siaran dari Al Jazeera. Pihak kementerian juga
berniat untuk menarik akreditasi dari staf televisi yang berbasis di
Qatar tersebut, demikian dilansir CNN, Minggu (30/1/2011).
Diperkirakan penghentian siaran ini dipicu liputan Al Jazeera mengenai aksi kerusuhan yang tengah terjadi di Mesir saat ini.
Meski demikian siaran Al Jazeera Mesir yang berbahasa Arab
dipastikan akan terus menayangkan peristiwa protes yang telah menewaskan
102 jiwa tersebut. Sedangkan penghentian siaran sendiri dilakukan
kepada Al Jazeera yang berbahasa Inggris.
Pamer Bokong, Seorang Perempuan Ditahan Polisi
Foto: Orange
Seorang perempuan di Amerika Serikat (AS), ditangkap oleh pihak
kepolisian karena memamerkan bokongnya kearah anggota polisi. Ulah ini
dilakukannya setelah ia melihat polisi menangkap adiknya yang melanggar
lalu lintas.
Rita Zambrano, melihat adiknya ditangkap oleh polisi saat
bermasalah dengan pelanggaran lalu lintas. Tiba-tiba saja perempuan
berusia 45 tahun itu mengangkat roknya dan memamerkannya kepada polisi
dengan maksud mengejek.
Polisi pun akhirnya menangkapnya atas tuduhan melakukan
tindakan tidak senonoh. Ironisnya, disaat dirinya mendekam di penjara,
adik Zambrano justru dibebaskan lewat jaminan.
Petugas polisi menceritakan kegilaan yang dilakukan Zambrano
terjadi saat adiknya ditangkap diluar apartemen milikanya. Gulley pun
menangkap adiknya perempuan itu saat melakukan pelanggaran lalu lintas
yang dianggap berat.
"Dia berdiri di pintu apartemennya dan memamerkan bokongnya kepada kami," unkap opsir Gulley seperti dikutip Orange, Sabtu
Dewi Persik : Shankar Bajingan!
Dewi Persik (Foto:Johan Sompotan/okezone)
JAKARTA - Merasa terus dipojokkan produser
Shankar RS dan juga Julia Perez membuat Dewi Persik (Depe) geram. Artis
RCM itu bahkan menuding Shankar seorang bajingan.
"Seorang produser itu seharusnya bijak dan bertanggung jawab. Tapi Shankar malah terus memojokkan saya. Biang keroknya ini memang Shankar. Saya bisa bilang Shankar bajingan banget," seloroh Depe saat ditemui di Studio Ahmad Dhani di Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (28/1/2011) malam.
Kegeraman pelantun Diam-Diam itu didasari atas sikap tak peduli Shankar melihat pertikaian dirinya dengan Jupe di film Arwah Goyang Karawang. Sikap Shankar itu kata Depe, merupakan taktik agar film produksinya laris manis di pasaran.
"Saya bilang Shankar adalah manusia yang licik karena memanfaatkan pertikaian saya dengan Jupe untuk promosi gratis film dia," tudingnya.
Perseteruan Depe dan Jupe seakan tak ada habisnya. Kasus hukum dua artis berjulukan bombsex itu bermula dari adegan perkelahian di film Hantu Goyang Karawang. Bukannya berkelahi bohongan, keduanya justru cakar-cakaran sungguhan. Depe tidak terima dicakar kekasih Gaston Castano dan melapor ke Polsek Matraman.
Jupe tak mau kalah, melaporkan balik Depe ke Polda Metro Jaya. Jupe sudah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dalam laporan Depe di Polsek Matraman dan berkasnya sudah hampir P21 (lengkap).
Sementara, nasib film Hantu Goyang Karawang sendiri tak jelas. Film tersebut batal ditayangkan
"Seorang produser itu seharusnya bijak dan bertanggung jawab. Tapi Shankar malah terus memojokkan saya. Biang keroknya ini memang Shankar. Saya bisa bilang Shankar bajingan banget," seloroh Depe saat ditemui di Studio Ahmad Dhani di Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (28/1/2011) malam.
Kegeraman pelantun Diam-Diam itu didasari atas sikap tak peduli Shankar melihat pertikaian dirinya dengan Jupe di film Arwah Goyang Karawang. Sikap Shankar itu kata Depe, merupakan taktik agar film produksinya laris manis di pasaran.
"Saya bilang Shankar adalah manusia yang licik karena memanfaatkan pertikaian saya dengan Jupe untuk promosi gratis film dia," tudingnya.
Perseteruan Depe dan Jupe seakan tak ada habisnya. Kasus hukum dua artis berjulukan bombsex itu bermula dari adegan perkelahian di film Hantu Goyang Karawang. Bukannya berkelahi bohongan, keduanya justru cakar-cakaran sungguhan. Depe tidak terima dicakar kekasih Gaston Castano dan melapor ke Polsek Matraman.
Jupe tak mau kalah, melaporkan balik Depe ke Polda Metro Jaya. Jupe sudah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dalam laporan Depe di Polsek Matraman dan berkasnya sudah hampir P21 (lengkap).
Sementara, nasib film Hantu Goyang Karawang sendiri tak jelas. Film tersebut batal ditayangkan
Presiden Mubarak Tolak Mundur
Puluhan ribu rakyat Mesir turun ke jalan untuk mendesak Presiden Hosni
Mubarak turun dari jabatannya. Mubarak akhirnya membubarkan kabinet
Namun, keputusan itu tak berarti bagi rakyat
Mesir karena Mubarak tetap menolak mundur. Kerusuhan terus pecah di
beberapa kota, termasuk Kairo. Sedikitnya 48 orang tewas dan 1.500 warga
sipil serta 1.000 polisi terluka sejak Selasa 25 Januari lalu.
ribu pengunjuk rasa memenuhi Lapangan Tahrir, Kairo, sambil meneriakkan
“Turun Mubarak! Kami datang ke sini untuk mengatakan kami tidak
menginginkanmu Mubarak.Kami ingin Anda keluar dari negeri ini,” tegas
Mohammed Osama, 25, pengacara yang ikut berunjuk rasa saat militer
mengumumkan jam malam diberlakukan dan diperluas ke kota-kota utama,
Sabtu (29/1/2011).
Pengunjuk rasa tidak hanya meminta Mubarak
mundur, tapi juga berakhirnya korupsi dan kebrutalan polisi yang menjadi
sangat sistematis di bawah pemerintahan Mubarak selama 30 tahun.
peraih penghargaan Nobel Perdamaian Mohamed El- Baradei terus menekan
Mubarak untuk mundur dari jabatannya. “Presiden Mubarak tidak memahami
pesan rakyat Mesir. Pidatonya mengecewakan sepenuhnya. Protes akan
berlanjut lebih besar hingga rezim Mubarak jatuh,” tegasnya.
oposisi paling terorganisasi di Mesir, Ikhwanul Muslimin
(IM/Persaudaraan Muslim), yang tidak menegaskan dukungannya pada unjuk
rasa hingga Kamis lalu, berinisiatif menyerukan pemindahan kekuasaan
secara damai melalui kabinet transisi.
Ke-50 pemimpin IM turut
ditahan bersama lebih dari 350 orang lainnya yang ditahan pada Jumat
lalu. Jam malam yang diberlakukan di Kairo, Alexandria, dan Suez
diabaikan oleh para pengunjuk rasa.
Jam malam pun diperpanjang
dari pukul 16.00 hingga pukul 08.00 waktu setempat. Militer
memperingatkan warga sipil untuk tidak berkumpul di tempat publik.
Militer, tidak seperti polisi yang represif, lebih dihormati warga
Kehadirannya di jalanan lebih direspons positif oleh
massa. Meski jam malam diberlakukan, toko-toko dan perkantoran tetap
dijarah kemarin malam. Polisi menahan sekitar 14 orang di sebuah
jembatan Kairo saat mereka menjarah.
Sekira 60 persen kantor
polisi Mesir dilaporkan telah dibakar oleh pengunjuk rasa. Bentrok juga
terjadi di kota pelabuhan Ismailiya, timur laut Ibu Kota. Saat itu
ribuan pekerja bentrok melawan polisi.
Presiden Amerika Serikat
(AS) Barack Obama mendesak Pemerintah Mesir untuk tidak menggunakan
kekerasan saat menghadapi pengunjuk rasa. Obama menyatakan hal tersebut
dalam percakapan telepon dengan Mubarak. Adapun Presiden Palestina
Mahmud Abbas menelepon Mubarak dan menyatakan harapannya bahwa negara
akan aman meski terjadi kerusuhan.
“Presiden Mahmud Abbas
menghubungi Presiden Mubarak dan menegaskan solidaritasnya dengan Mesir
dan komitmennya terhadap keamanan dan stabilitas,” papar pernyataan yang
dirilis kantor Abbas.
Raja Abdullah dari Arab Saudi juga
menyatakan dukungan kepada Mubarak dan mengecam pihak yang mengacaukan
situasi keamanan Mesir. Selama percakapan, Abdullah mengecam para
pengacau yang mengatasnamakan kemerdekaan berekspresi.
Kantor Nasional Demokrat Dibakar
Unjuk rasa di Mesir (Foto: AP)
- Massa pengunjuk rasa Mesir makin beringas dengan melakukan aksi
vandalisme di Kairo. Warga pun menyulut api di kantor Partai Nasional
Demokrat yang menguasai pemerintahan saat ini.
Protes anti-pemerintah Mesir memang masih terus terjadi.
Aksi ini disertai penjarahan yang dilakukan oleh warga yang marah dengan
keadaan mereka. Demikian diberitakan Associated Press, Minggu
Pada hari Jumat 28 Januari ratusan orang tampak memboyong
televisi dan beberapa peralatan elektronik dari dalam markas Partai
Nasional Demokrat di Kairo. Tidak hanya melakukan penjarahan, warga juga
menyulut api dari Museum Mesir.
Sementara aksi penjarahan juga terjadi di bank-bank yang ada di
sekitar kota. Warga yang mengamuk juga menghancurkan mobil, merusak
marka jalan dan melempari mobil lapis baja milik polisi dengan batu.
Aksi kekerasan ini memaksa pusat-pusat bisnis seperti bank dan bursa saham di Mesir.
Hingga kini protes anti-pemerintah masih terus merebak.
Tuntutan para pengunjuk rasa tetap sama, yakni mendesak Presiden Husni
Mubarak turun dari jabatan yang sudah berkuasa selama 30 tahun.
Ribuan Orang Datangi Bandara, Penerbangan Dibatalkan
- Ribuan orang datangi bandara utama di Kairo, Mesir dengan harapan
mendapatkan pesawat keluar dari negara yang sedang bergejolak tersebut.
Namun menyusul kerusuhan yang terjadi beberapa hari terakhir,
operasional penerbangan banyak yang ditunda atau bahkan dibatalkan.
Sekira 1.500 hingga 2.000 orang memadati Bandara
Internasional Kairo tanpa melakukan reservasi. Menurut pejabat setempat
sebagian dari mereka adalah wisatawan dan warga Mesir sendiri yang
hendak mencari perlindungan ke luar negeri, Demikian dilansir The Daily Telegraph, Minggu (30/1/2011).
Sebelumnya Amerika Serikat (AS), Prancis dan Jerman telah
mengeluarkan peringatan kepada warga mereka untuk tidak bepergian ke
Mesir. Negara tersebut juga meminta warganya untuk tetap tinggal di
dalam rumah, bila memang sudah berada di Mesir, khususnya Kairo.
Beberapa negara telah mengirimkan pesawat untuk mengangkut
warga mereka yang terjebak di Mesir. Israel pada hari Sabtu 29 Januari
telah mengirimkan pesawat guna mengangkut sekira 200 wisatawan Israel,
untuk keluar dari Mesir.
Gangguan atas penerbangan ini mengancam memotong satu generator
pendapatan mereka yakni industri pariwisata. Industri memang besar
dalam menyumbang pendapatan perkapita negara tersebut, sekira 11 persen
dari total GDP Mesir.
Ribuan Napi Kabur di Saat Mesir Rusuh
Protes Mesir (Foto: Reuters)
- Ribuan tahanan berhasil melarikan diri dari penjara pada hari ini.
Kaburnya para tahanan ini, juga terjadi di penjara yang menahan seorang
militan berbahaya.
Kaburnya para tahanan ini tentunya makin mengancam
kekacauan yang sudah terjadi sebelumnya selama protes anti-pemerintah
berlangsung di Mesir.
Pihak berwenang mengatakan para tahanan kabur dari penjara
mereka dalam waktu semalaman. Mereka melarikan diri dari empat penjara
setelah mulai memicu kerusuhan melawan sipir penjara. Para tahanan ini
dibantu oleh sekelompok bersenjata yang menyerang para tahanan tersebut.
Baku tembak sendiri sempat berlangsung selama beberapa jam
antara pihak kelompok bersenjata dengan sipir penjara. Beberapa tahanan
diketahui terbunuh dalam insiden tersebut, namun tidak jelas berapa
jumlah tahanan yang tewas itu. Demikian diberitakan Associated Press, Minggu (30/1/2011).
Kondisi ini dipastikan dapat memperburuk keadaan di Mesir yang
sudah kacau dipenuhi dengan aksi penjarahan, menyusul menghilangnya
polisi dari jalan-jalan kota Kairo. Tidak ada penjelasan mengapa polisi
tidak tampak melakukan penjagaan.
Tanggung jawab keamanan sendiri saat ini dipegang oleh pihak
militer, yang tampak bersiaga di sudut jalanan kota Kairo. Namun jumlah
pasukan militer sendiri diperkirakan masih kurang untuk menjaga keamanan
di Kairo.
Aksi penjarahan meluas Warga Penggal Dua Kepala Mumi di Mesir
Militer jaga musium Mesir (Foto: AP)
- Warga Mesir yang hingga kini terus melawan pemerintah, tiba-tiba saja
mendobrak masuk ke Museum Mesir. Mereka pun mencopot kepala dari dua
mumi dan merusak sekira 10 artefak sebelum akhirnya ditangkap oleh
Kepala Dinas Artefak Mesir Zahi Hawass mengatakan pihak
militer berhasil mencegah warga yang hendak mencuri artefak berharga di
Museum Mesir. Pihak militer sendiri mampu mengamankan artefak-artefak
berharga koleksi dari museum.
Masih berlangsungnya protes anti-pemerintah dan beberapa
bentrokan yang terus berlangsung di jalanan, membuat militer melakukan
penjagaan ketat di beberapa museum yang menyimpan peninggalan berharga
Negeri Piramid tersebut.
Namun ancaman baru dihadapi pihak museum meski mereka sudah
mengamankan benda berharga yang ada. Hawass menilai ancaman datang dari
terbakarnya markas patai yang berkuasa saat ini.
"Jika gedung tersebut (markas Partai Nasional Demokrat) hancur,
maka dapat saja menimpa museum," ungkap Hawass seperti dikutip
Associated Press, Minggu (30/1/2011).
Museum Mesir yang diisikan koleksi berharga seperti topeng emas
Raja Tutankhamun, juga menjadi rumah dari ribuan artefak berharga yang
mewarnai sejarah negara tersebut.
Museum ini memang terletak di dekat lokasi protes
anti-pemerintah. Massa sebelumnya melakukan aksi sweeping di Kairo,
namun pada akhirnya pihak keamanan mampu menjaga keamaan sekitar gedung
di Ibu Kota Mesir tersebut.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
While it is beyond the scope of this article to discuss issues such as global warming or water conservation,
KH. 19872507. The ability to easily solvent recycler
in-house has developed over the past 20 odd years with the advent of batch
stills. These solvent recycling units ranging in size from 2 gallons per batch
up to equipment handling one hundred gallons per batch have made it cost
effective for companies to consider replacing expensive service companies. In
recent times even larger units have been developed which can work either stand
alone or built into a process system to reduce or eliminate the needs for full
time personnel to over see the operation.
While it is beyond the scope of this article to discuss
issues such as global warming or water conservation, these and other
environmental issues have taken center stage in the media. If your company
already solvent recycler, taking advantage
of your contribution to the well-being of the environment will make other
companies want to do business with you. The trend of "going green"
will stay around for a while. Other companies such as Wal-Mart and Starbucks
ride their green reputations to profitability. Even if you are involved in the
B2B community, other companies want to do business with companies that are seen
as responsible
These solvent recyclers save money in two
ways: by recycling used solvents for reuse and eliminating most (and sometimes
all) of the expense of disposing of the hazardous waste. Although even the
smallest solvent recyclers cost several thousand dollars, they can easily pay
for themselves in a year or two. In the case of large scale continuous
operation equipment, it may be surprising to learn that the payback can easily
be justified in less than one year. In fact in certain process industries the
equipment vendors recommend the purchase of a solvent recycler to defray the
cost of the exceedingly expensive solvents required in their equipment. KH.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Beckham: Sir Bobby True Men
Foto: Reuters
LOS ANGELES - The entire British society, including David Beckham was mourning, following the death of Sir Bobby Robson. Los Angeles Galaxy player was utter condolences and said that Robson is a real man.
As is known, Robson died at the age of 76 because of cancer, a disease suffered by former England player's mainstay for nearly the last two decades.
Regarding the figure of Robson, cited Sportinglife, Sunday (08/02/2009), Beckham said: "Sir Bobby is always there to give advice to me. He's really a true man."
"We all will miss him, not just the fans, but everyone who has ever trained. Belasunkawa I've made friends and family he left behind," said former courtier Mancgester United and Real Madrid.
Beckham with the Galaxy will face Barcelona in the fight persahatan. The plan, there will be prayer together for one minute before the match was in progress.
As is known, Robson died at the age of 76 because of cancer, a disease suffered by former England player's mainstay for nearly the last two decades.
Regarding the figure of Robson, cited Sportinglife, Sunday (08/02/2009), Beckham said: "Sir Bobby is always there to give advice to me. He's really a true man."
"We all will miss him, not just the fans, but everyone who has ever trained. Belasunkawa I've made friends and family he left behind," said former courtier Mancgester United and Real Madrid.
Beckham with the Galaxy will face Barcelona in the fight persahatan. The plan, there will be prayer together for one minute before the match was in progress.
Baggio wins Nobel Peace Special
TOKYO - Italian soccer legend Roberto Baggio get a special award nobel peace 2010. Male
43 years old was elected in Peace Summit 2010, Tuesday (10/09/2010) for
his efforts to support freedom of Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar's democracy
FIFA best player 1993 this was known philanthropist in the world of football. He often contribute and raise funds to help hospitals, victims of natural disasters (Haiti), to combat bird flu and support the work of the United Nations.
This award held in the city of Hiroshima, or a town in Japan that dropped the atomic bomb by the United States in 1945 and killed more than 140 thousand people. Special awards will also be given to representatives of victims of the atomic bomb.
In addition to Roberto Baggio, another Peace Prize winner is a British musician Peter Gabriel, an American actor George Clooney and Don Cheadle, as well as the Italian comedian and director Roberto Benigni.
Also invited U.S. President Barack Obama, who last year won the Nobel Peace Prize. However, Obama is currently located in Indonesia, could not attend because the event state.
Tibetan religious leader Dalai Lama, Lech Walesa of Poland, former South African President Frederik Willem de Klerk and East Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta also scheduled to attend.
FIFA best player 1993 this was known philanthropist in the world of football. He often contribute and raise funds to help hospitals, victims of natural disasters (Haiti), to combat bird flu and support the work of the United Nations.
This award held in the city of Hiroshima, or a town in Japan that dropped the atomic bomb by the United States in 1945 and killed more than 140 thousand people. Special awards will also be given to representatives of victims of the atomic bomb.
In addition to Roberto Baggio, another Peace Prize winner is a British musician Peter Gabriel, an American actor George Clooney and Don Cheadle, as well as the Italian comedian and director Roberto Benigni.
Also invited U.S. President Barack Obama, who last year won the Nobel Peace Prize. However, Obama is currently located in Indonesia, could not attend because the event state.
Tibetan religious leader Dalai Lama, Lech Walesa of Poland, former South African President Frederik Willem de Klerk and East Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta also scheduled to attend.
Messi The Legend
Foto: Reuters
Brasilia - Barcelona midfielder Lionel Messi to be one player that has it all when in the middle of the field. Roads into the legend is not a problem for the Argentine national team players. The predictions presented former Barca midfielder, Rivaldo.
Rivaldo helped Barca win La Liga and Copa del Rey in 1998. He also helped Brazil win the 2002 World Cup. In addition, Rivaldo was named the best player the world and Europe 1999.
is still very young and saw everything that he has achieved. With young
talent and this, he is destined to become legendary players," Rivaldo
said as quoted by Sport on Wednesday (28/10/2009).
and physical conditions are very special. That's why he's fascinating
look. He is not unstoppable. Alfredo Di Stefano and Johan Cruyff is
considered two of the three best players of all time," he explained.
Messi most likely earned his best players the world and Europe 2009. The reason, able to bring Barcelona's Messi won three titles of La Liga, Copa Del Rey and Champions League this season. Club Pep Guardiola is also a great opportunity to gain the world title, 2009.
Tuesday (27/10/2009) was selected as the best player Messi Professional Football League (LFP). Award Messi LFP became the first title this year.
Inter-club World Championship will take place in Abu Dabi, United Arab Emirates, December 9 to 19. Barcelona became European vice qualify directly with Estudiantes (Canmebol). Both clubs are waiting for two semi-finalists from the various zones that menguti preliminary round.
Brasilia - Barcelona midfielder Lionel Messi to be one player that has it all when in the middle of the field. Roads into the legend is not a problem for the Argentine national team players. The predictions presented former Barca midfielder, Rivaldo.
Rivaldo helped Barca win La Liga and Copa del Rey in 1998. He also helped Brazil win the 2002 World Cup. In addition, Rivaldo was named the best player the world and Europe 1999.
"Messi is still very young and saw everything that he has achieved. With young talent and this, he is destined to become legendary players," Rivaldo said as quoted by Sport on Wednesday (28/10/2009).
"Technical and physical conditions are very special. That's why he's fascinating look. He is not unstoppable. Alfredo Di Stefano and Johan Cruyff is considered two of the three best players of all time," he explained.
Messi most likely earned his best players the world and Europe 2009. The reason, able to bring Barcelona's Messi won three titles of La Liga, Copa Del Rey and Champions League this season. Club Pep Guardiola is also a great opportunity to gain the world title, 2009.
Tuesday (27/10/2009) was selected as the best player Messi Professional Football League (LFP). Award Messi LFP became the first title this year.
Inter-club World Championship will take place in Abu Dabi, United Arab Emirates, December 9 to 19. Barcelona became European vice qualify directly with Estudiantes (Canmebol). Both clubs are waiting for two semi-finalists from the various zones that menguti preliminary round.
Rivaldo helped Barca win La Liga and Copa del Rey in 1998. He also helped Brazil win the 2002 World Cup. In addition, Rivaldo was named the best player the world and Europe 1999.
"Messi is still very young and saw everything that he has achieved. With young talent and this, he is destined to become legendary players," Rivaldo said as quoted by Sport on Wednesday (28/10/2009).
"Technical and physical conditions are very special. That's why he's fascinating look. He is not unstoppable. Alfredo Di Stefano and Johan Cruyff is considered two of the three best players of all time," he explained.
Messi most likely earned his best players the world and Europe 2009. The reason, able to bring Barcelona's Messi won three titles of La Liga, Copa Del Rey and Champions League this season. Club Pep Guardiola is also a great opportunity to gain the world title, 2009.
Tuesday (27/10/2009) was selected as the best player Messi Professional Football League (LFP). Award Messi LFP became the first title this year.
Inter-club World Championship will take place in Abu Dabi, United Arab Emirates, December 9 to 19. Barcelona became European vice qualify directly with Estudiantes (Canmebol). Both clubs are waiting for two semi-finalists from the various zones that menguti preliminary round.
Cannavaro INFECTING Professionalism in Dubai
Fabio Cannavaro.(foto:Reuters)
Fabio Cannavaro can not be separated from kesukesesan Italy grabbed the
World Champion title at the World Cup 2006 in Germany. Not surprisingly, the same year diamenganugerahinya title as the best player.
Now the big name former players Parma, Inter Milan, Real Madrid and Juventus are dimmed with age. 1973-born players who started a professional career in Naples is currently enjoying the twilight of his career at Union joint Arab Emirates club Al expert who defended since last summer.
In an interview with, Cannavaro revealed his experiences since settling in Dubai. Here petikannya.
After success in Europe how your life in Dubai?
I really enjoy. It's a beautiful city and lots of interesting things. I settled in Al Nakhla and my kids also love it. This incredible experience for me and my family after 20 years in professional football.
What about soccer in the emirate and the region in general?
Football thrive in the UAE. Many talented young players and club management better than ever.
What a difference playing in Europe and the Middle East? Do you see any important developments in football in this area?
The difference with football in the west and in the Middle East in Europe that you have to play every week, so it is more physically draining. You must have excellent fitness if you want to keep playing all year. That's not the same as here, where the frequency of play is not too dense and soccer like activity without pressure. We can see this game grow in coming years, it is necessary to follow the proper steps.
2010 was not a successful year for the Italian national team. How do you feel when looking at what is happening in South Africa?
We do not have enough time to mingle, with many young players on the team. I think many who feel the pressure so great, while a number of core players such as Pirlo, were injured.
Did Italy get up? What do you expect from new coach Cesare Prandelli?
Our generation is the best. Italy must now begin to raise young talent if you want to win the World Cup. It does take time, but Prandelli is a good coach in dealing with young players.
Pensions in the national team in 2010, did you miss it again?
Yes I miss playing for Italia.Saya spend a career with the national team and one of the top players to defend the national team. But the time to stop has arrived.
2006 you lift the trophy after winning the World Cup. Four years later in Johannesburg, you also hold the same trophy, but another moment. How he feels?
I was asked to hand over the trophy was proudly because it reminds me of a brilliant night in Berlin. Moments in 2006 makes me not want to ever forget.
Still follow Italian football?
I'm still excited following the match in Italy and Spain. But after years of pressure, now I am happy with the new experience in Dubai.
You won the award for best player at the FIFA 2006.Apa you remember about that experience, because you are the only defender to win the prestigious award?
That's a very large awards, especially for me as a player bertahan.Ini positive achievement in my life, but it also means fans can always expect the SAA to stop the opponent in every game, it would have done the impossible every defender, to do it alone.
You make a charitable institution with Ciro Ferrara, Cannavaro Ferrara Foundation. Can be told what to build?
The Cannavaro Ferrara Foundation was established to provide support to Naples, the city where I was born. We feel we have extended assistance to people in our town, especially to those in need.
What is your target with Al Expert 2011 in this year?
My goal could be a role model for local players. They must learn that professionalism is the way to success. I keep practicing over the holidays at my age is already 37 years old, I wanted to show young players that practice is important. Al Expert is a very ambitious club and they were helpless in the right direction, I hope I can contribute to the club on and off the field.
Now the big name former players Parma, Inter Milan, Real Madrid and Juventus are dimmed with age. 1973-born players who started a professional career in Naples is currently enjoying the twilight of his career at Union joint Arab Emirates club Al expert who defended since last summer.
In an interview with, Cannavaro revealed his experiences since settling in Dubai. Here petikannya.
After success in Europe how your life in Dubai?
I really enjoy. It's a beautiful city and lots of interesting things. I settled in Al Nakhla and my kids also love it. This incredible experience for me and my family after 20 years in professional football.
What about soccer in the emirate and the region in general?
Football thrive in the UAE. Many talented young players and club management better than ever.
What a difference playing in Europe and the Middle East? Do you see any important developments in football in this area?
The difference with football in the west and in the Middle East in Europe that you have to play every week, so it is more physically draining. You must have excellent fitness if you want to keep playing all year. That's not the same as here, where the frequency of play is not too dense and soccer like activity without pressure. We can see this game grow in coming years, it is necessary to follow the proper steps.
2010 was not a successful year for the Italian national team. How do you feel when looking at what is happening in South Africa?
We do not have enough time to mingle, with many young players on the team. I think many who feel the pressure so great, while a number of core players such as Pirlo, were injured.
Did Italy get up? What do you expect from new coach Cesare Prandelli?
Our generation is the best. Italy must now begin to raise young talent if you want to win the World Cup. It does take time, but Prandelli is a good coach in dealing with young players.
Pensions in the national team in 2010, did you miss it again?
Yes I miss playing for Italia.Saya spend a career with the national team and one of the top players to defend the national team. But the time to stop has arrived.
2006 you lift the trophy after winning the World Cup. Four years later in Johannesburg, you also hold the same trophy, but another moment. How he feels?
I was asked to hand over the trophy was proudly because it reminds me of a brilliant night in Berlin. Moments in 2006 makes me not want to ever forget.
Still follow Italian football?
I'm still excited following the match in Italy and Spain. But after years of pressure, now I am happy with the new experience in Dubai.
You won the award for best player at the FIFA 2006.Apa you remember about that experience, because you are the only defender to win the prestigious award?
That's a very large awards, especially for me as a player bertahan.Ini positive achievement in my life, but it also means fans can always expect the SAA to stop the opponent in every game, it would have done the impossible every defender, to do it alone.
You make a charitable institution with Ciro Ferrara, Cannavaro Ferrara Foundation. Can be told what to build?
The Cannavaro Ferrara Foundation was established to provide support to Naples, the city where I was born. We feel we have extended assistance to people in our town, especially to those in need.
What is your target with Al Expert 2011 in this year?
My goal could be a role model for local players. They must learn that professionalism is the way to success. I keep practicing over the holidays at my age is already 37 years old, I wanted to show young players that practice is important. Al Expert is a very ambitious club and they were helpless in the right direction, I hope I can contribute to the club on and off the field.
Goodbye Van der Sar
Edwin van der Sar.(foto:Reuters)
- The news finally came juga.Kiper Edwin van der Sar to make sure no
longer stand under the crossbar Manchester United next season. Yes, former goalkeeper De Oranje it wanted to end his career after the 2010-2011 season ended.
Van der Sar joined the squad for the Red Devils since 2005 after defending Fulham. Together with Sir Alex Ferguson, Van der Sar credited with bringing Manchester United won three league titles. The most memorable moment in the history of his career was when Van der Sar foiled Nicolas Anelka penalty in the 2008 Champions League final against Chelsea.
"Now it's time is focused on the family," said the former pillar of Ajax, in website management,, as quoted by Yahoo Sports, on Thursday (27/01/2011).
On several occasions, in this season, Van der Sar is always asserted still wants to play, a few more years, before hanging his gloves. In addition due to aging, Van der Sar wants to spend more time to accompany his wife who was ill.
"I can not remember when that decision comes. Say it in my mind when Annemarie had a stroke. He had to struggle with the itu.Kami really had decided a few years in England and settled at Manchester United, but in this season, the mind to say selamt stay stronger, "said Van der Sar.
Van der Sar, who began his career at Ajax Amsterdam since 1990, tested the overseas competition for the first time at Juventus from 1999-2001. After that his name had faded so removed to Fulham until 2005. But unexpectedly Sir Alex memboyongnya to Old Trafford. Scot was also satisfied with the performance of this 1970-born goalie even liken it to Old Trafford legend Peter Schmeicel.
Van der Sar joined the squad for the Red Devils since 2005 after defending Fulham. Together with Sir Alex Ferguson, Van der Sar credited with bringing Manchester United won three league titles. The most memorable moment in the history of his career was when Van der Sar foiled Nicolas Anelka penalty in the 2008 Champions League final against Chelsea.
"Now it's time is focused on the family," said the former pillar of Ajax, in website management,, as quoted by Yahoo Sports, on Thursday (27/01/2011).
On several occasions, in this season, Van der Sar is always asserted still wants to play, a few more years, before hanging his gloves. In addition due to aging, Van der Sar wants to spend more time to accompany his wife who was ill.
"I can not remember when that decision comes. Say it in my mind when Annemarie had a stroke. He had to struggle with the itu.Kami really had decided a few years in England and settled at Manchester United, but in this season, the mind to say selamt stay stronger, "said Van der Sar.
Van der Sar, who began his career at Ajax Amsterdam since 1990, tested the overseas competition for the first time at Juventus from 1999-2001. After that his name had faded so removed to Fulham until 2005. But unexpectedly Sir Alex memboyongnya to Old Trafford. Scot was also satisfied with the performance of this 1970-born goalie even liken it to Old Trafford legend Peter Schmeicel.
Translucent Milan Semifinal
Genoa - AC Milan confirm semi-final ticket in the Coppa Italia. These achievements are obtained after overthrowing the Rossoneri host Sampdoria 2-1.
Compete at the Stadio Luigi Ferraris, Thursday (01/27/2011), Milan coach Massimiliano Allegri down two brand-new new players brought in Urby Emanuelson and Mark van Bommel in this fight.
Although without Zlatan Ibrahimovic who is reserved, but Alexandre Pato bomber managed to replace the role of the Swedish tall. Evidently, Pato said Allegri confidence by producing two Milan's winning goal.
Milan had scored after just seven minutes after Robinho's run. Unfortunately, the Brazilian striker had already been in an offside position when receiving feedback from Emanuelson.
10 minutes later, the visitors managed to break the deadlock. Pato hard kick goal against Sampdoria goalkeeper could not stop Da Costa. This goal makes Milan the lead with the score 1-0.
This goal increasingly make Milan's confidence. As a result, Pato return thrilling Da Costa's goal five minutes later. Sampdoria behind 2-0 when the game first half ended.
Sampdoria tried to get up in the second half. Unfortunately, the home team can only produced one goal melesatkan Stefano Guberti. Goals scored after receiving feedback Maccarone Guberti
With this result, the Milan ensure a ticket to the big four Coppa Italia party. This is the first time since the last four years.
The composition of Players:
Sampdoria: Da Costa; Zauri, Volta, Accardi, Ziegler; Poly (Tissone 65), Manini (Kozman 72), Guberti; Macheda, Maccarone.
Milan: Rome; Oddo, Papastathopoulos, Yepes, Antonini (Jankolovski 80), Van Bommel, Thiago Silva, Emanuelson; Merkel; Pato (Ibrahimovic 87), Robinho (Cassano 78).
Dramatic, Inter kick Naples
Foto: Samuel Eto'o bawa Inter Milan menuju semifinal Coppa Italia (Getty Images)
Naples - Inter Milan Coppa Italia was targeting must go through trials that are not easily passed. Faced
with Napoli in the quarter-finals stage, Leonardo Araujo farm team was
not able to show himself as an aggressive team in the first round during
visit at the Stadio San Paolo. Leonardo who commissioned Goran Pandev and Samuel Eto'o to rip the nets of Naples should be more patient.
Why? A number of opportunities gained two bombers were still raw in the early minutes of the game. Not only is Leonardo who had a lot of yelling. Napoli coach, Walter Mazzari too. Tense game ensued during the first half. Offers to buy attack gives its own color in the Coppa Italia quarter-finals.
Napoli who was accompanied by Edinson Cavani and Ezequiel Lavezzi often bring danger in the heart of Inter's defense. Likewise with the tireless Inter demolish Naples. Not yet able to break the deadlock, a glimmer of hope Napoli to win the game comes through Cavani. Players from Uruguay had a chance to thrill nets Luca Castellazzi. However, Cavani who first caught off-side can only see his goal disallowed bowed sluggish referee
Seeing that continue Napoli football lunge writhing, Pandev was getting impatient. He tried to duel in the air. A header directed by Morgan De Sanctis force must act quickly put a halt to the ball. De Sanctis Efforts not in vain, he managed to stop the ball from the header Pandev. Not only Pandev, Esteban Cambiasso started to bother defense Napoli via kick speculation.
In the second half, the game open in the modeling of both teams to steal the numbers first. Napoli victory ambitious package, taking advantage of the situation through the set-pieces. Unfortunately, these efforts can still be controlled well by Castellazzi siga shown enough in the game. Not only that, but Marek Hamsik increasing workload Inter. Determination in boxes of 16, making Inter increasingly overwhelmed.
Hamsik repeatedly tried to penetrate the Inter defender Maicon Douglas raised et al. Luckily, Inter able to appear calm and organized. Napoli and Inter efforts eventually have to stop in time 90 minutes. With the position 0-0, the referee finally play 2x15 minutes extra time. But the two enemies there who can score goals first.
Scenario penalties had to be played to determine who is entitled to advance to the semifinals. Five executioners Inter consisting of Eto'o, Cambiaso, Pandev, Thiago Motta and Christian Chivu successfully completed its mission without blemish. Meanwhile, Napoli have to lament the Inter victory with the score 4-5 after Lavezzi kick bounced over the crossbar Castellazzi.
As a result, four goals are nested executioner Naples, Cavani, Hamsik, Camilo Zuniga and Hasan Yebda evaporated Lavezzi saw the failure to execute the penalty. Victory over Inter Milan booked a ticket to Coppa Italia semi-finals.
Napoli: M. De Sanctis, A. Dossena (C. Zuniga '70), S. Aronica, P. Cannavaro, H. Campagnaro, M. Pazienza (H. Yebda '97), C. Maggio, W. Gargano, M. Hamsik, E. Cavani, E. Lavezzi
INTER: L. Castellazzi, I. Córdoba (Lucio'83), J. Zanetti, Maicon, C. Chivu, A. Ranocchia, E. Cambiasso, D. Stankovic (M. Mariga '63), Thiago Motta, S. Eto'o, G. Pandev
Why? A number of opportunities gained two bombers were still raw in the early minutes of the game. Not only is Leonardo who had a lot of yelling. Napoli coach, Walter Mazzari too. Tense game ensued during the first half. Offers to buy attack gives its own color in the Coppa Italia quarter-finals.
Napoli who was accompanied by Edinson Cavani and Ezequiel Lavezzi often bring danger in the heart of Inter's defense. Likewise with the tireless Inter demolish Naples. Not yet able to break the deadlock, a glimmer of hope Napoli to win the game comes through Cavani. Players from Uruguay had a chance to thrill nets Luca Castellazzi. However, Cavani who first caught off-side can only see his goal disallowed bowed sluggish referee
Seeing that continue Napoli football lunge writhing, Pandev was getting impatient. He tried to duel in the air. A header directed by Morgan De Sanctis force must act quickly put a halt to the ball. De Sanctis Efforts not in vain, he managed to stop the ball from the header Pandev. Not only Pandev, Esteban Cambiasso started to bother defense Napoli via kick speculation.
In the second half, the game open in the modeling of both teams to steal the numbers first. Napoli victory ambitious package, taking advantage of the situation through the set-pieces. Unfortunately, these efforts can still be controlled well by Castellazzi siga shown enough in the game. Not only that, but Marek Hamsik increasing workload Inter. Determination in boxes of 16, making Inter increasingly overwhelmed.
Hamsik repeatedly tried to penetrate the Inter defender Maicon Douglas raised et al. Luckily, Inter able to appear calm and organized. Napoli and Inter efforts eventually have to stop in time 90 minutes. With the position 0-0, the referee finally play 2x15 minutes extra time. But the two enemies there who can score goals first.
Scenario penalties had to be played to determine who is entitled to advance to the semifinals. Five executioners Inter consisting of Eto'o, Cambiaso, Pandev, Thiago Motta and Christian Chivu successfully completed its mission without blemish. Meanwhile, Napoli have to lament the Inter victory with the score 4-5 after Lavezzi kick bounced over the crossbar Castellazzi.
As a result, four goals are nested executioner Naples, Cavani, Hamsik, Camilo Zuniga and Hasan Yebda evaporated Lavezzi saw the failure to execute the penalty. Victory over Inter Milan booked a ticket to Coppa Italia semi-finals.
Napoli: M. De Sanctis, A. Dossena (C. Zuniga '70), S. Aronica, P. Cannavaro, H. Campagnaro, M. Pazienza (H. Yebda '97), C. Maggio, W. Gargano, M. Hamsik, E. Cavani, E. Lavezzi
INTER: L. Castellazzi, I. Córdoba (Lucio'83), J. Zanetti, Maicon, C. Chivu, A. Ranocchia, E. Cambiasso, D. Stankovic (M. Mariga '63), Thiago Motta, S. Eto'o, G. Pandev
Serigala Roma Terkam Nyonya Tua
Foto: Mirko Vucinic saat melepaskan tembakan ke gawang Juventus. Roma akhirnya melaju ke semifinal usai menang 2-0/Getty Images
- Gol Mirko Vucinic dan Rodrigo Taddei di babak kedua memaksa Juventus
angkat koper dari perhelatan Coppa Italia. Roma melenggang mulus ke
babak semifinal dengan kemenangan 2-0 di babak perempat final, Jumat
Kedua tim membuka laga di Stadio Olimpico Turin
dengan tempo sedang. Baik Roma maupun Juve terlihat hati-hati dalam
membangun serangan. Hasilnya, tak banyak peluang emas tercipta di babak
Juve yang tampil tanpa diperkuat bintang andalannya
Milos Krasic yang masih duduk manis di bangku cadangan membuka peluang
lebih dulu di menit ke-17. Memanfaatkan sebuah sepak pojok, Giorgio
Chiellini melompat dan menanduk bola, namun arahnya masih belum tepat.
menit berselang giliran Roma yang mengancam melalui Mirko Vucinic yang
dipasang berduet dengan Jeremy Menez. Memanfaatkan bola liar hasil sepak
pojok, bomber Montenegro melepaskan tembakan yang masih tepat mengarah
ke kiper Marco Storari. Bola muntah sempat coba disambar Fabio
Simplicio, namun Chiellini sigap menyapu bola. Hingga jeda, skor 0-0
belum berubah.
Di babak kedua, pelatih Roma Claudio Ranieri
menarik Menez dan memasukkan Marco Boriello untuk menambah daya dobrak
timnya. Di lain pihak, Luigi Del Neri memasukkan Milos Krasic
menggantikan Carvalho Amauri yang tampil kurang maksimal.
yang dilakukan kedua pelatih sukses membuat jalannya babak kedua lebih
menarik. Tiga menit berjalan, Giallorossi memiliki peluang. Berawal dari
umpan Vucinic kepada Boriello, mantan striker AC Milan meneruskannya
dengan memberikan umpan silang kepada Fabio Simplicio yang langsung
menyambutnya dengan sundulan, namun sayang masih bisa diamankan Storari.
merespon di menit 64. Krasic menggiring bola menuju kotak penalti dan
kemudian melepaskan tembakan chip dengan maksud mengelabui kiper Julio
Sergio. Sayang, tendangan Krasic masih melambung di atas mistar.
jual beli serangan, Vucinic akhirnya berhasil memecah kebuntuan dan
membawa Roma unggul 1-0. Memanfaatkan umpan jauh Simone Perotta, Vucinic
yang berada di sisi kanan pertahanan Juve berhasil mengontrol bola
dengan baik. Sedikit menggiring bola menuju kotak penalti, Vucinic
langsung melepaskan tembakan keras yang meluncur deras ke sisi kiri
gawang, tanpa mampu dijangkau Storari.
Unggul satu gol, Roma kian
semangat menekan pertahanan Juve. Tiga menit berselang, pasukan
Serigala Roma mendapat peluang emas menggandakan keunggulan melalui
sundulan Philippe Mexes menyambut umpan pojok Rodrigo Taddei. Sayang,
sundulan pemain Prancis masih mampu ditepis Storari dengan satu tangan.
yang berharap bisa berprestasi di Coppa Italia setelah peluangnya
merebut scudetto kian tipis, terus mencoba menyamakan kedudukan.
Memasuki menit ke-86, Juve berharap mendapat hadiah penalti setelah
Alessandro Del Piero dijatuhkan Mexes di kotak terlarang. Nahas, wasit
tidak menganggapnya sebagai sebuah pelanggaran.
Saat tengah gencar melakukan tekanan, Juve justru kecolongan gol oleh Rodrigo Taddei di masa injury time. Berawal dari umpan lambung Daniele De Rossi ke kotak penalti, Taddei yang lolos dari jebakan offside menyambutnya dengan tendangan akrobatik yang tak mampu dijangkau Storari.
sisa empat menit perpanjangan waktu, Juve masih belum menyerah dan
terus mencoba mencuri gol. Apesnya, hingga wasit meniup peluit panjang,
Bianconerri tak juga mampu menjebol gawang Julio Sergio. Skor 2-0 untuk
Roma menjadi akhir laga. Giallorossi pun berhak melenggang ke babak
empat besar dan akan menghadapi lawan berat Inter Milan yang telah lebih
dulu melenggang usai menang adu penalti dari Napoli.
Susunan pemain:
Storari, Motta/Grosso (73’), Bonucci, Chiellini, Grygera, Martinez,
Felipe Melo, Sissoko, Pepe/Iaquinta (61’), Del Piero, Amauri/Milos
Krasic (45’)
Roma: Julio Sergio, Cassetti, Mexes, Burdisso, Riise, Simplicio, De Rossi, Brighi/Taddei (40’), Perrotta, Vucinic, Menez/Boriello
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