
Saturday, February 18, 2012



you all know what it is mystery, and it's always more we find that is always on the hook Historia pautkan to things that are always full of mystical intrigue that has never been a secret revealed,,,, like Lagenda, myth, superstition, symbol etc,,, , which are always in contact with the occult and mystical always real and that fall somewhere in between,,,, if you like things that are yet to be revealed

1 comment:

  1. Maaf.. sebenarnya saya tidak terlalu paham mengenai benda-2 pusaka. Bbrp bulan lalu saya ditawari teman u/ mencari pembeli dari pusaka "Kantong Macan" milik gurunya. Bila anda ada channel pembeli dari pusaka semacam ini. bisa email no. HP anda ke, nanti teman saya yg menindak lanjuti. Terima kasih


terima kasih telah berkunjung semoga bermanfaat