
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Take your pashmina (Maroco)


And now, lets play with our hijab.. ^^

  1. Take your pashmina, make sure one side is longer
2. Tied behind the head
3. Take the shortest side to the front of the head
4. Pull up to the back of the head

 5. Secure with safety pins
6. Take the longest side
7. Put on the side of the cheek
8. Place it on the corner of the hijab and secure it

 9. Pull the hijab, towards the back of the head
10. Pull up to the front
11. And secure it
12. Done,, and if necessary, add a brooch as a "sweetener".. ^^

 Thank you guys..
i hope you all like it..
and do not be afraid to be creative..
\(^0^) /

- Irna -

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terima kasih telah berkunjung semoga bermanfaat