
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

69 Journalists Facing Humanist Guide

Marieska Harya Virdhani - Okezone Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - 20:02 pm
Photo: Marieska Harya V / Legal
Publisher: Crossing Boundaries, Depok Editor: Ainin Dita Z Cover Layout: Jon Ito First Matter: January 2011 Contents Illustration: Mira Tazkia, Habibi Purwanto, Jon Ito ISBN: 978-602-957-66-8-9 Powered by: Public Relations Media Center UI
Depok - Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the Executive Board of Indonesia (UI) Devie Rahmawati just launched his first book 69 Journalist Facing Humanist Guide. Books dedicated to every publicist is packed with various elements of the satirical comic and tickling the public relations, published a book publisher with a Transboundary 138 pages thick.
Over a decade, engaged in the world Devie public relations and communications, how many complaints faced by journalists against a publicist at the agency or any events. It was written entirely by a variety of titles is quite straightforward by 28-year-old woman.
There are at least 69 titles, ravings, or nagging reporters to its publicist in the book Devie. Like, "Mas, climbed on the news tomorrow how many pages?", "Why this release, too late !!!"," Well, lazy ngeliput pesenan ", and other titles.
"'Mas, climbed on the news tomorrow how many pages?" These are questions that illicit and highly despised by journalists. In the yard afterwards, there are humorous cartoons that portray a reporter who asked when the news appeared irritated by a PR person, "he told reporters in Depok, recently.
In the title "Contacted at five o'clock had not lifted the phone" (page 78), Devie invite public relations to be sensitive to the system and the perception of time a journalist. A publicist, said Devie, who holds the responsibility to correspond with journalists need to realize that when people typically go home at the office, reporters actually entering their busiest hours.
On the next page, there is discussion of "Why even angry Calling at 11 pm?" (Page 79). "The conception of time a journalist is different with people generally get that far. A public relations must always be on call, even the print media will close shop at 12 am for the news will be posted on the home page. For that PR must always be ready when asked to confirm, "said the lecturer FISIP UI is asserted.
Devie underline the most important thing in his book is for readers not only get a laugh, but the importance of humanist philosophy in dealing with mass media workers. Even the most stupid cartoon even appeared in his book have the same goal of illustrating that PR fatal errors are basically due to the offender to ignore the feeling reporters.

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